Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Because titles are pointless...

Now in my time I've watched ALOT of movies. If you have talked to me for more than 10 minutes you will know that my love for the movies can goto to an almost creepy and repulsive level.

The truth is until maybe 2 years back, I felt very little emotion watching movies. I couldn't understand why someone would watch a movie twice and the only thing I found weirder were people crying after watching a movie. Sure I loved watching them. I still remember the first time I watched Hook and how much I loved it but apart from it I can't remember any movie having a major effect on me.

Now in the last 2 years, its been a completely different story. Two movies that come to mind are "Saving Private Ryan" and "Stand By Me". Now I assure you there have been many many many others but right now these are the only ones I can remember. I have never hated anyone more than Upham when he acted like a chicken shit at the end of the movie and as for Stand By Me..well you just have to watch it.
Anyways in the last 2 weeks I've watched ALOT of movies thanks to the wonders of what streaming has done for piracy. And boy have I watched some awesome comedies.

First off Monty Python. If you haven't heard of them well I really pity you. I heard alot about them sometime back but it was only recently I got around to watching "The Holy Grail" and "Life Of Brian". Good lord even after watching it after 40 years you can still see why the British are so much better than the Americans at humour. Both the movies made me realize that every comedy I had watched up till now was so...childish. How the Americans make all their comedies out of physical humour to get some cheap laughs but the British use clever dialogue to make sure it stays with you long after and really leaves an impression.

Next up I watched The Big Lebowski. This movie isn't for everyone. I really can't describe it so here's something you can use to make your own conclusions.

Let's just say some awesome soundtrack and the main character's name being Dude is more than enough reason to watch this one.

Now finally the reason for me blogging after god knows how long without even explaining why. Clerks. I just finished watching Clerks 2 which is obviously a sequel to the first one which I watched last weekend.

The first Clerks was made by Kevin Smith when he was working in a movie rental store. He used his college fund and the money he made by selling his comic collection to come up with a fund of a mere 25,000. By using his high school friends and family as the cast and getting his boss to let him use the shop at night, he worked on one hour of sleep. The whole movie was black and white to cut back on cost. In the end it made 3 million eventhough it never played on more than a 100 cinemas.

While so many movies have shown no matter how much money and resources you put in to make a god-aweful comedy, (*coughepicmoviecough*)it turned out to be one of those rare movies that show how little you need to make a good comedy.

The sequel more than lives up to the movie too. Never thought I'd actually find bestiality humourous...

Also Clerks 2 is the first movie ever that I've felt the urge to burst out clapping in total agreement due to the following scene

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Lack of updates can be blamed on streamyx for getting confused and thinking "3-7 days" meant "3-7 weeks".

So didn't use the computer for 2 days less than a month and it has helped me overcome my addiction. The first few days were hard but I made it through.

Anyways all that aside it's a time to look back at 2007! And it being my blog and all here are 30 things in no particular order of what happened to me and other crap!

30 things in no particular order of what happened to me and other crap!

1. Moved houses after 6 years.
2. Finished school
3. Started college.
4. Was in an awesome play.
5. ALMOST got my driver's license
6. Some friends left.
7. Replaced the above bastards with shiny new friends!
8. Worst cricket world cup ever.
9. First ever awesome Twenty20 World Cup
10. Death Of Bob Woolmer and retirement of Inzamam-ul-haq (cricket related people)
11. Had my first ever cigarette
12. Had my first ever drink
13. Had my first ever tipsy experience
14. Created a facebook account :(
15. Started blogging.
16. Organised a halloween party (not THAT big of a deal but 30 things are hard to think of)
17. Went without internet for about a MONTH (this is a big deal)
18. Things got bad in Pakistan after Musharraf tried to destroy the judiciary.
19. Things got better in Pakistan after Musharraf failed to destroy the judiciary
20. Things got bad in Pakistan after Musharraf managed to destroy the judiciary.
21. Things got worse in Pakistan after Benazir Bhutto died.
22. Nothing much out of the ordinary happened in Pakistani politics.
23. I became Canadian.
24. 2007 marked exactly 10 years spent in Malaysia!
25. Three super huge trilogies were completed in 2007 (Pirates of the Caribbean, Spider Man and Shrek)
26. Got a new car.
27. Read the last and final Harry Potter book, finishing the series after 7 long years.
28. New channels added to Astro.
29. Writer's strike.
30. Started watching Heroes.

Well that was a crappy comeback post.

I really do fail to disappoint.