Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Lack of updates can be blamed on streamyx for getting confused and thinking "3-7 days" meant "3-7 weeks".

So didn't use the computer for 2 days less than a month and it has helped me overcome my addiction. The first few days were hard but I made it through.

Anyways all that aside it's a time to look back at 2007! And it being my blog and all here are 30 things in no particular order of what happened to me and other crap!

30 things in no particular order of what happened to me and other crap!

1. Moved houses after 6 years.
2. Finished school
3. Started college.
4. Was in an awesome play.
5. ALMOST got my driver's license
6. Some friends left.
7. Replaced the above bastards with shiny new friends!
8. Worst cricket world cup ever.
9. First ever awesome Twenty20 World Cup
10. Death Of Bob Woolmer and retirement of Inzamam-ul-haq (cricket related people)
11. Had my first ever cigarette
12. Had my first ever drink
13. Had my first ever tipsy experience
14. Created a facebook account :(
15. Started blogging.
16. Organised a halloween party (not THAT big of a deal but 30 things are hard to think of)
17. Went without internet for about a MONTH (this is a big deal)
18. Things got bad in Pakistan after Musharraf tried to destroy the judiciary.
19. Things got better in Pakistan after Musharraf failed to destroy the judiciary
20. Things got bad in Pakistan after Musharraf managed to destroy the judiciary.
21. Things got worse in Pakistan after Benazir Bhutto died.
22. Nothing much out of the ordinary happened in Pakistani politics.
23. I became Canadian.
24. 2007 marked exactly 10 years spent in Malaysia!
25. Three super huge trilogies were completed in 2007 (Pirates of the Caribbean, Spider Man and Shrek)
26. Got a new car.
27. Read the last and final Harry Potter book, finishing the series after 7 long years.
28. New channels added to Astro.
29. Writer's strike.
30. Started watching Heroes.

Well that was a crappy comeback post.

I really do fail to disappoint.

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